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    Ordering from JM Bullion

    Now that you are well educated on the precious metal market, and have an understanding of the advantages of buying precious metals online, we are going to fully explain our order process here at JM Bullion. The article below will guide you through the entire process – starting with your first visit to our website, and finishing with you receiving your gold and silver products at your doorstep.

    Browsing Products

    Visitors at will notice there are two primary categories of products: gold products and silver products. Our entire catalog is initially sorted by metal type, then further categorized by product form: bars, rounds, coins, 90% and 40% silver coins, bullets, and statues.

    When you see a product you like, you can click the “More Details” button to be lead to the individual product page. Here you will find the product image(s), pricing structure, complete textual description, and specifications. For a complete understanding of our product listings and specifications, please read our About Our Products page. For a complete understanding of our pricing tiers and discounts, please read our About Our Pricing page.

    After you have browsed through our products and decided what you would like to purchase, return to that product’s page, type in your desired quantity, and click “Add to Cart”. You will then be lead to our shopping cart.

    The Shopping Cart

    Once in the shopping cart, you can select between six convenient payment methods: Paper Check, Bank Wire, ACH, Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, and Bitcoin. Each payment method offers its own particular advantages, which are fully explained here: About Our Payment Methods.

    Once you have selected your payment method, you will see your products, quantities, and total below in the “Verify Products” area. You will also see a Price Each column that shows any available quantity discounts, as well as where your selected quantity fits in amongst the pricing tiers.

    If you would like to modify a quantity, simply type in the new quantity and click refresh. The Price Each, Quantity, and Total for that product will automatically update.

    Underneath the product listings, you will see your Subtotal, Shipping/Insurance, and Total. To learn about our shipping options and prices, read our About Our Shipping page.

    It’s important to note that the prices and totals listed in your cart are fluid and not locked in until you click Checkout Now. When the market is open, the spot prices of gold and silver change by the second, so your prices will be updating “behind the scenes” while you are in the cart or are shopping further after adding previous products to the cart.

    Once you are satisfied with the quantities and products in your cart, click Checkout Now to lock in your prices and begin the checkout process.

    Checking Out

    Once you click Checkout Now, your product prices will be locked in for a 10 minute period – more than enough time to complete the simple checkout process. However, if you decide to take a break during checkout, or return to our catalog to shop further, you will simply have to approve the new, updated prices before finalizing your order.

    The first step for checking out is to either log into your existing account, or enter your email and select “Create New Account”. We do not offer a guest checkout option here at JM Bullion, simply because we want all of our customers to be able to track the progress of their order from the time of order creation until it arrives at their doorstep.

    Once you either log in or indicate that you’re a new customer, you will be lead to our simple One Step Checkout page. On the right side of the page there will be a “scrolling Cart” that displays your locked in, finalized prices, as well as your subtotal, shipping total, and order total. The prices shown in your “scrolling Cart” are the final prices you will pay, provided that you complete the easy checkout form within 10 minutes.

    Existing customers will find that all of your billing and shipping details are automatically entered, while new customers will have to input their first name, last name, phone number, and shipping and billing addresses. In addition, you will select your shipping option.

    Next, you will enter your credit/debit card details (for ALL orders – even paper check and bank wire orders require a credit/debit card on file for identity verification as well as to enforce our Market Loss Policy in the case of a cancelled order).

    Finally, new customers will enter and confirm a password for their new customer account, agree to our Terms and Conditions, and click “Finish and Place My Order”.

    If your checkout has been completed within the allotted 10 minute time frame, the order will be completed and you will see your receipt. If you took longer than 10 minutes, you will see a pop-up that allows you to either approve and finalize your order at the higher or lower updated prices, or to cancel the order.

    Once your order is completed, you can view and print your receipt. Paper check and bank wire orders will receive their mailing or wiring instructions at this time as well.

    Tracking Your Order

    From the time you place an order until the time you receive your shipment, you have full order tracking available in the My Account area of the website. Your order will progress through the following four order statuses, which vary depending on payment type:

    Order Status #1 – Pending

    • Paper Check Orders – You will be reminded of the time frame within which you need to send your payment, as well as reminded of our mailing address.
    • Bank Wire Orders – You will be reminded of the time frame within which you need to send your payment, as well as reminded of our wiring instructions.
    • Credit/Debit Card and PayPal Orders – You can sit back and relax, as the next step is for us to verify and process your payment.

    Order Status #2 – Paid

    • Paper Check Orders – You will be reminded that paper check payments require 5-10 calendar days for the funds to “clear” from your checking account to ours. As soon as the funds have cleared, your products will ship out.
    • Bank Wire Orders – You can sit back and relax, as we are packaging your products for shipping.
    • Credit/Debit Card Orders and PayPal – You can sit back and relax, as we are packaging your products for shipping.

    Order Status #3 – Shipped (In Transit)

    As soon as your order ships, you reach the Shipped (In Transit) stage. This stage of the order allows you to track your shipment exactly as if you were using a tracking number with USPS or UPS. You will see the scheduled delivery date, the package’s current location, and any exceptions or delays during transit.

    Tracking numbers are withheld in order to protect deliveries of orders. If tracking numbers were made available, anyone who obtained your number could re-route your package to a new address. This is an effort made to protect you, the customer, from fraudulent re-routes of your package.

    Order Status #4 – Delivered

    Once USPS or UPS notifies us that your package was signed for and delivered, you reach the Delivered status, thus completing that particular order.

    From this point, we welcome your feedback on your experience at JM Bullion, and hope to do more business with you in the future.

    All Market Updates are provided as a third party analysis and do not necessarily reflect the explicit views of JM Bullion Inc. and should not be construed as financial advice.