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    Litecoin Price & Charts

    Our litecoin price charts are an easy reference for current LTC prices. In addition to displaying the current live LTC price, our interactive charts allow you to examine historical litecoin prices.

    Above are live Litecoin price charts. Price charts can be viewed using multiple timeframes. Charts may be useful for identifying trends in the price of Litecoin or for looking for potential areas to buy or sell at. We also offer pricing charts for ethereum prices, bitcoin prices, ripple prices, dash prices, bitcoin cash prices, monero prices, iota prices, and nem prices.

    What is Litecoin?

    Litecoin is a digital currency that utilizes blockchain technology. The peer-to-peer electronic currency allows instant, almost zero cost payments to be made to anyone in the world. Like other forms of cryptocurrency, Litecoin is fully decentralized and the network is an open source network.

    The surging popularity of electronic currencies has made them a popular investment for many. Some investors in such forms of money believe that they could one day challenge traditional fiat, or paper currencies. Due to limited quantities of electronic monetary units, some investors feel that now may be a good time to buy in anticipation of higher prices.

    What could fuel higher Litecoin prices?

    Like any other market, the laws of supply and demand govern Litecoin prices. With rising demand and a constant or limited supply, prices could potentially rise substantially from current levels. If a large effort is made to replace fiat, or paper money with electronic currencies, prices for several of the leading cryptocurrencies could potentially rise.

    Can Litecoin be used for any online transaction?

    No. Although these types of digital currency are becoming more popular and widely accepted, many merchants are not currently setup to accept Litecoin payments. You can check with any merchant you wish to do a transaction with, and if they accept Litecoin they will provide instructions on how to make payments.

    Are digital currencies already regulated?

    Currently, digital currencies are not regulated by any central governing authority. Although many feel this is a good thing, it does also raise some concerns for others. There has already been calls for such forms of currency to become regulated, but who or what would do such a job presents a major question mark. In fact, the decentralization of such currencies seems to be one of the most appealing factors for investors.

    Can digital currencies like Litecoin be traded on a short-term basis?

    The answer to this question-while technically yes-is really a no from a practicality standpoint. Digital currencies are still a relatively new product for the mainstream investor, and markets for these products will likely become far more efficient in the years ahead. Bid/ask spreads and liquidity issues may make such products more appropriate for long-term investors.

    What type of Litecoin chart may be most useful?

    The type of Litecoin chart and the timeframe used are a matter of preference and investment objectives. Because such investments may be more suitable for long-term investors at this point, longer timeframes on the chart such as daily, weekly and monthly may make more sense. Any type of chart can be used such as a bar chart, line chart or candlestick chart.

    Will digital currencies eventually replace fiat money?

    That’s really the $64,000 question. Electronic currencies are still in just the beginning stages of being used, and many it is unclear just how widespread their use may become. Such currencies are likely a long, long way from posing any significant challenge to paper money. Due to their low cost and convenience, however, such digital currencies could eventually pose more of a threat to credit cards or other means of electronic payment such as Paypal.

    The digital currencies have been touted as having no risk of fraud, but fraud or other security issues are always a risk. Modern technology may have allowed for very secure networks and payment options to be set up, but that same technology is also available to hackers and cybercriminals who will do anything to break such systems down. No investment or transaction is completely free of risk, and it may be wise to only put a limited amount of capital into such digital currencies until they have done more to prove how secure they are.

    Are Litecoin and Bitcoin just big bubbles?

    Given some of the price rises seen in digital currencies, talk of a bubble has seemingly become more and more prevalent. Although some investors may be purchasing these currencies as a store of value, others are simply buying them based on speculation of higher prices. Although it is not clear if these markets are in fact in a bubble, the risk of a bubble does exist.