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    Ethereum Price & Charts

    Our ethereum price charts are an easy reference for current ETH prices. In addition to displaying the current live ETH price, our interactive charts allow you to examine historical ether prices.

    Above are live ethereum price charts. Price charts are available on multiple timeframes and can be used to try to identify price trends in the market or to look for potential buying or selling opportunities. We also offer pricing charts for bitcoin prices, litecoin prices, ripple prices, dash prices, bitcoin cash prices, monero prices, iota prices, and nem prices.

    What is Ethereum?

    Ethereum is an open software platform that utilizes blockchain technology to allow developers to build and use decentralized applications. Although this technology is often compared to Bitcoin, it has some significant differences. Bitcoin and Ethereum are both distributed public blockchain networks, however, there are substantial differences between uses and capabilities.

    Ethereum miners work to earn Ether, a crypto token that fuels the network. In addition to being a tradable digital currency, however, Ether is also used to pay for transaction fees and services on the software’s network. Ethereum is much, much more than just a means for digital payments and transactions; it has the ability to run applications without any worry over third party interference, downtime, censorship or fraud.

    Could blockchain currencies replace fiat currency?

    This is one of the biggest questions surrounding digital currencies, and right now there is no answer. There has been a movement to use such networks more and more in place of traditional paper money, however, that movement has only recently gained steam. Some might argue that such networks are as of yet unproven to handle a global monetary system, and others argue that such networks remain susceptible to fraud and other security concerns.

    Some countries have already limited the use of such networks, while others may look to see crypto currencies become regulated before more widespread use is encouraged. Whatever the case may be, it is an issue that will likely become more important as such digital currencies become more favorable, and an issue that will need to be addressed by governments, central banks and citizens all over the world.

    What might Ethereum charts be used for?

    A chart of Ethereum, like any other chart, is simply a visual representation of price. Markets can trend higher, trend lower, or simply move sideways. Charts can provide a simple and easy way to try to identify trends in price or to look for potential buying and selling levels. Prices can be viewed on an intraday basis, as well as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. If you are looking for an opportunity to buy the crypto currency, for example, you may wait to see if there are any significant dips in price before making your purchase, thus saving money in the process.

    Could Ethereum or other cryptos replace metals as a store of value?

    This may become another key question as blockchain technology and crypto currencies become more popular among investors. Although such digital currencies may act as a store of value, they certainly do not have the long history as such that physical metals like gold and silver do. In addition, unlike physical metals, digital currency cannot be touched, felt or seen.

    Many investors derive a great deal of comfort from physical metals due to their inherent value and long history of reliability as a store of value and protector of wealth. Although the use of modern technologies could increase-and increase substantially-the notion of such technologies “replacing” hard assets like physical gold and silver seems highly unlikely.

    What can fuel changes in the price of Ethereum?

    All markets are governed by the laws of supply and demand at the end of the day. Increasing demand with no change in supply can fuel higher prices, while constant demand with falling supplies can do the same. In the case of crypto currencies, modern technologies such as Ethereum have put a limit on the total amount of crypto currency available. Such a limit could drive prices higher if demand rises.

    One of the major factors in such currencies right now, however, seems to be speculation. Investors are buying digital currencies not as a store of value, but rather with the expectation that prices will go up. Although this may potentially be profitable-even very profitable- for some, it could also potentially lead to a major bubble in the price of such assets, and possibly lower prices at a later date. Of course, this also depends on the technology’s overall popularity, reliability, acceptance and other factors.