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    The Latest Medieval Legends Series Design Rides Into Town

    With the third release of the Medieval Legends Series, JM Bullion is proud to offer fans of the series the latest image of a figure from the Medieval period of human civilization. In this latest issue, Lady Godiva rides into town to join the designs of Robin Hood and the Pied Piper in the ongoing Medieval Legends Series. While the first two designs featured depictions of legendary male figures, the third release not only offers the first female figure in the collection but also offers the first person whose existence is confirmed in written records. Learn more about the all-new Lady Godiva Rounds in the Medieval Legends Series.

    Lady Godiva Obverse

    Once again, the collection offers fans a chance to own two different versions of the Medieval Legends Series Rounds. The new 1 oz Medieval Legends Lady Godiva Silver Round and 1 oz Medieval Legends Lady Godiva Copper Round both share an elegant depiction of the famous wife of Leofric. In 11th century England, Leofric was the Earl of Mercia, and his wife, Lady Godiva, was a prominent noblewoman in Anglo-Saxon England. In the obverse design of both rounds, we find Lady Godiva riding through the town square in Coventry without a stitch of clothing on her body. The only thing offering her cover is her long hair that flows down her body as she rides sidesaddle on the horse.

    Common Reverse

    The reverse of the 1 oz Medieval Legends Lady Godiva Rounds offers up the same design that has been used to date in this series. At first glance, this design might seem simplistic in nature and random in choice. However, the keen observer will notice that this humble table setting actually contains relics representative of all the characters that feature in the Medieval Legends Series.

    Release Information

    The third design of the Medieval Legends Series comes with the same options and packaging of previous issues. The 1 oz silver round boasts 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver, while the 1 oz copper round offers 1 AVDP oz of .999 pure copper. Both versions are packaged individually in plastic flips, by multiples of 20 in plastic tubes, and by multiples of 500 in boxes. For those looking to build a collection with just one of each version of the designs, you might want to add the JM Bullion-branded Medieval Legends Series 14-Piece Collector’s Box to house the seven designs in both silver and copper together.

    History of a Ride

    While Lady Godiva is a real figure from the historical record, her ride through the village center in Coventry is one that has been debated for hundreds of years now. According to legends, Lady Godiva’s naked ride through town was in response to her husband’s oppressive taxes on those living on his land. The most common story behind this ride is that Leofric told his wife he’d lower the taxes if she rode through Coventry naked. Taking him at his word, Lady Godiva did indeed ride through town with no clothing. However, modern scholars question whether the ride itself ever took place.

    Continue Your Collection with the Lady Godiva Release

    While there is no mintage cap on the designs in the Medieval Legends Series, the mintages so far have been low and each design is only produced for a limited period of time before the series moves on. JM Bullion customer service is available to assist you if you have any questions about these rounds. Please call us at 800-276-6508, chat with us live online, or email us directly. Remember to visit our blog each week and follow us on Facebook for more information on new and upcoming releases.

    Disclaimer: All Market Updates are provided as a third party analysis and do not necessarily reflect the explicit views of JM Bullion Inc. and should not be construed as financial advice.

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