Batman is one of the most iconic and well-known superheroes created by the DC franchise. Not only is he a comic legend known around the world, but the legendary Caped Crusade has been honored across various media platforms for his heroic acts and take down of equally iconic villains. Today, JM Bullion offers you the 2022 2 oz Niue Silver Chibi Batman Day Shaped Coin!
Coin Highlights:
- Delivered to you in a special presentation box with a Certificate of Authenticity!
- Thirteenth release in the DC Comics Chibi series by the New Zealand Mint!
- Contains 2 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Obverse features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II.
- Reverse features a colored and shaped flying Batman in the Chibi art style.
DC Comics is one of the leading comic book companies in the world. It has successfully created a range of the most popularly consumed heroes, including Wonder Woman and Superman. The 2022 2 oz Niue Silver Chibi Batman Day Shaped Coin, which honors the flagship hero we know as Batman, was first released in 2020 and sold out in hours! The New Zealand Mint is the organization that created the coin from 1 Troy oz of pure silver.
For the obverse of the 2022 2 oz Niue Silver Chibi Batman Day Shaped Coin, the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II is featured. This specific design was curated by the famed artist, Ian Rank Broadley. It features her in the right profile with a radiant crown. It includes inscriptions that read: ELIZABETH, NIUE, 2022, 2 DOLLARS, 2 OZ 999 FINE SILVER, BATMAN TM & DC COMICS.
For the reverse of the 2022 2 oz Niue Silver Chibi Batman Day Shaped Coin, Batman is featured in his full glory, however, the artistic style is unique to the Chibi collection. The head of Batman occupies almost 80% of the design. He is depicted as flying down into action with his cape streaming behind him. He is gowned in his iconic black bat suit with his gear ready for battle.
The 2022 2 oz Niue Silver Chibi Batman Day Shaped Coin s kept safe inside a specially designed case, molded to the coin’s shape. The box is also BATMAN themed and includes a large window to allow you to easily display this truly unique collectible, without having to remove it from the packaging!
If you have any questions when you buy silver online, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our customer service team at JM Bullion. Our team is available at 800-276-6508, or we can be reached via our online live chat and email address features.