DreamWorks Animation has been one of the driving forces behind the evolution of animated films and television programs over the last two-plus decades. In 2001, DreamWorks released one of its most successful films ever, Shrek. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Shrek franchise, shaped silver coins featuring the main characters from the animated hit are available to collectors. Today, 2021 1 oz Niue Silver DreamWorks Donkey Shaped Coins are available to you online from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Available to you in a themed display case with a Certificate of Authenticity inside!
- Shaped silver coins with colorized reverse visuals!
- Limited mintage of only 1,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- The face value of $2 is fully backed by the Niuean government.
- On the obverse is Queen Elizabeth II.
- The reverse captures a colorized image of Donkey.
While several characters from the Shrek franchise are memorable, there is perhaps not a character that adults watching the films with their children appreciated more than Donkey. The wise-cracking, lovable donkey was voiced by actor Eddie Murphy and mixed in hints of adult humor with a kind heart.
All of the 2021 1 oz Niue Silver DreamWorks Donkey Shaped Coins in this product listing come with individual packaging. The coins are housed inside of Shrek-themed presentation boxes and ship with a Certificate of Authenticity from the mint. Each coin is struck in the shape of Donkey from the film and comes with colorized visuals on the reverse side of the coins. These proof coins have frosted design elements on the obverse with a mirrored background field.
On the obverse of 2021 Niue Silver DreamWorks Donkey Shaped Coins is an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty is shown here in right-profile relief in the popular 1998 design from Ian Rank-Broadley. This portrait of Elizabeth II comes with the image of the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara on the obverse.
The reverse side of the 2021 1 oz Silver DreamWorks Donkey Shaped Coin features the colorized image of Donkey. As was common of his character throughout the films, in this design, Donkey appears happy-go-lucky. He is captured in a stance that suggests he’s prancing about the forest and, as always, has a smile on his face.
Since its first release in 1998, DreamWorks animation has produced and released a total of 41 feature films, several of which went on to become some of the highest-grossing animated films of all time.
Please feel free to reach out to JM Bullion with questions about these 1 oz silver coins. Our team is available to assist you at 800-276-6508, chat with you live online, or respond via email.