The 1851 Braided Hair Half Cent is a coin any collector would do well to add to their collection if for no other reason than it is difficult to find. This particular iteration of the Half Cent was only minted for a short period of time, and in short quantities. Understanding this, it only follows that there are only a limited number of these coins available on the market at the present moment in time. As time moves on, that number will grow ever fewer.
On the coin’s obverse, the center of the face is marked by the raised image of Lady Liberty, facing leftward. Lady Liberty’s hair and facial features are incredibly detailed, and within a band resting atop her head is an inscription which reads “Liberty.” Around the outside of the central image are 13 total stars, which represent the 13 original colonies of the United States. Beneath the image of Lady Liberty you will notice an inscription marking the 1851 year of minting.
On the coin’s reverse, the center is marked by an inscription reading the “HalfCent” face value. Surrounding the face value is a wreath that is bound together by a bow. Around the outside of the wreath there is yet another raised inscription, this one reading “United States of America.” Finally, it must be mentioned that the very outer edges of both sides of the coin are marked by notches that give the coin some added texture.
For collectors, it is no secret that counterfeit coins are becoming increasingly commonplace. Despite this unfortunate circumstance, collectors protect themselves by only purchasing coins that have been graded and certified as being authentic. Below, we have outlined the different coin grades as well as what they mean.
Uncirculated: A coin determined to be of Uncirculated grade is one that never made it out onto the open market to exchange hands. Rather, these coins were kept in safekeeping and did not incur any damage whatsoever. As you can expect, these are the rarest of the rare.
Extremely Fine: A 1851 Braided Hair Half Cent that is determined to be of Extremely Fine grade is one that is in great shape, save for a few very minor imperfections. Though the imperfections may not even be immediately noticeable with the naked eye, they are still there.
Fine: Fine is the grade given to Half Cents that have been circulated, but not damaged too badly. On the surface of these pieces, you will notice anything from light scratching to the smoothing of the raised imagery and lettering.
Good: Good is the worst grade a coin can receive and is indicative of a piece that has been through a lot. There will be a lot of heavy damage on the surfaces of these pieces, mostly due to the decades upon decades that these coins spent in circulation.
In terms of assigning a price, or figuring out how much you might be asked to pay for an 1851 Braided Hair Half Cent, the first thing you must look at is the grade and condition of the coin. If the coin has been extremely well-preserved over the years, it is going to fetch a higher asking price than those coins that have been overly damaged. Below, we have a chart aimed at giving you a better idea of what a graded 1851 Braided Hair Half Cent might cost.
Half Cents
1851 Braided Hair | N/A | $65 | $100 | $175 | Source: Red Book |