In July 2020, NASA launched its Mars 2020 mission to send a new, advanced robotic lander to the Martian planet. After a nearly seven-month journey through the cosmos, the Perseverance lander reached the surface of Mars to begin an exciting exploration of the Martian planet unlike any previously attempted. Today, $2 Rover Landing Legal Tender Notes are available to collectors to mark the occasion.
Note Highlights:
- Available to you in a bi-fold presentation booklet with a Certificate of Authenticity!
- Legal tender $2 US Bills!
- Enhanced with beautiful visual elements on the obverse!
- The face value of $2 (USD) is fully backed by the US government.
- On the obverse is the Martian surface with various images of Perseverance and its trip to Mars.
- The reverse includes the original $2 bill design.
On July 30, 2020, NASA’s Mars Exploration Program took its next step forward with the launch of Mars 2020. The program sent a robotic rover named Perseverance and a small helicopter known as Ingenuity to the Martian surface to explore and detail the planet as never before. Hitting the Martian surface on February 18, 2021, Perseverance has already dazzled the world with high-definition, colorized images of the landscape on Mars and even transmitting back sound from the surface of the planet.
All of these $2 Rover Landing Legal Tender Notes are enhanced $2 bills. Each bill is a crisp, uncirculated Federal Reserve Note fresh from Treasury packs of notes. These notes are packaged in a bi-fold presentation booklet that houses the note on one side and a Certificate of Authenticity on the other. The notes have been enhanced with full-color, high-definition images capturing the Mars 2020 program.
On the obverse of $2 Rover Landing Legal Tender Notes, you will find three distinct visuals capturing the Mars 2020 program. To the left is the launch of the Perseverance rover from Earth in July 2020. To the right is a depiction of Perseverance touching down on the Martian surface in the Jezero crater on February 18, 2021. In the center, you get a close-up look at the Perseverance rover on the surface of Mars.
The reverse side of $2 Rover Landing Legal Tender Notes comes with the original design elements. Since its introduction in 1976, the US $2 Bill has featured a replica of a 19th-century oil painting capturing the moment the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, declaring America’s intention to separate as 13 colonies of British North America to form a new union as an independent nation.
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