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    1893 Fairmont Collection Coins

    In the 1890s, the United States of America was in the midst of the Gilded Age. The nation’s economy was rapidly industrializing from coast to coast and international trade with foreign partners was on the rise. At the same time, a new century was on the horizon. Pre-33 US Gold Coins from this era have quite a story to tell.

    1893 Liberty Gold Half Eagles

    In the Fairmont Collection, one of the common designs from this date is the 1893 Liberty Gold Half Eagle. Designed back in 1838 by Christian Gobrecht, the 3rd Chief Engraver of the United States Mint, this image was featured on the $2.50 Quarter Eagle, the $5 Half Eagle, and the $10 Eagle for nearly 70 years, making it the longest-running design by far in the history of the series.

    The 1893 release included a small number of 1893-CC $5 Liberty Gold Half Eagles from the Carson City Mint. This was the final year of operation for the Carson City Mint and its release of 60,000 coins was by far the lowest, coming in at nearly half the volume of the next closest mint (New Orleans – 110,000 coins) and well behind the highest volume (Philadelphia – 1,528,120 coins).