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    1875 Fairmont Collection Coins

    As the nation stitched itself back together following the Civil War, the production of US Eagle gold coins continued to spread out across the operating branch mints of the United States Mint. With the Civil War in the rearview mirror and the Reconstruction Era nearing its end, gold production rebounded at US Mint branch facilities.

    1875 Liberty Gold Double Eagles

    Many historians pinpoint 1875 as the penultimate year of the Reconstruction Era in American history, the period in which the victorious Union wrapped up efforts to integrate freed slaves into American society and bring southern states back into the fold. As the economy of southern states started to regrow, the US Mint issued larger volumes of gold coins. 1875 $20 Liberty Gold Double Eagles were struck by the Philadelphia, Carson City, and San Francisco branch mints. The 1875-CC $20 Liberty Gold Double Eagle had a limited mintage of 111,151 coins, the lowest of the three issues.