Gold Spot Price Open: $1,711
Gold Spot Price Close: $1,733
Change in Gold Spot Price:+$22
Silver Spot Price Open: $31.69
Silver Spot Price Close: $32.38
Change in Silver Spot Price:+$0.69
Both gold and silver saw healthy gains yet again on Thursday, gold rising 22 dollars while silver gained about 69 cents. For a short while over the past week many investors raised concerns as to when or if gold will be able to get and stay above the $1,700 mark but those concerns are subsiding steadily. With the approaching fiscal cliff and continued easy monetary policy gold investors are feeling good about the metal; at least for the immediate future.
The Euro hit a 2-month low today with continued concerns in Greece and the steady rise of the unemployment rate in Spain. The Spanish are currently awaiting a decision by the European Union as to whether they merit further financial assistance or not. Things are really going downhill in many parts of Europe which is part of the reason behind the US Dollar remaining strong.