Star Wars: A New Hope, originally released simply as “Star Wars” in 1977, is the first film in the iconic Star Wars saga created by George Lucas. Set in a galaxy far, far away, the movie introduces viewers to a universe filled with advanced technology, mystical powers, and an ongoing struggle between good and evil. Now, 2024 3 oz Colorized Niue Silver Star Wars Movie Poster A New Hope Coins are available online from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Coins arrive inside presentation boxes with a Certificate of Authenticity included!
- 1st release in a 3 oz Silver Movie Poster Series!
- Rectangular, colorized coins!
- Limited mintage of only 800 coins!
- Contains 3 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Issued a face value of $5 (NZD) by Niue.
- Obverse features the Public Seal of Niue.
- Reverse includes vibrant Star Wars artwork by Eric Tan.
In Star Wars: A New Hope, the story follows Luke Skywalker, a young farm boy on the desert planet Tatooine, who discovers a hidden message in a droid named R2-D2. This message leads him on an adventure to rescue Princess Leia, a member of the Rebel Alliance, from the evil Galactic Empire. Along the way, Luke meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master who begins to teach him about the Force, and Han Solo, a smuggler with a fast ship called the Millennium Falcon.
This distinctive 3 oz silver coin is the first in a movie poster-themed series to feature colorized, vibrant artwork reflecting various films. This first release offers artwork capturing symbolism from A New Hope as designed by Eric Tan.
Obverse design elements on the 2024 3 oz Colorized Silver Star Wars Movie Poster A New Hope Coin include the Public Seal of Niue. This design reflects the national government and cultural symbols of the island nation.
Reverse visuals on 2024 Colorized Niue Silver Star Wars Movie Poster A New Hope Coins include elements representing the storyline of the film and broader franchise. These visuals include elements such as the fleet ships of both the Rebel Forces and the Empire, as well as an artistic rendering of Tatooine and its moons.
These 2024 3 oz Colorized Niue Silver Star Wars Movie Poster A New Hope Coins come with a Star Wars-themed presentation box. These unique 3 oz silver coins have an elongated, rectangular form with portrait orientation for the designs on each side. The reverse offers a fully colorized design element. Each coin comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
JM Bullion customer service can help you buy silver at 800-276-6508. Alternatively, you can chat with us online or email us directly.