The Powerpuff Girls is an animated series that debuted in 1998 and centered around three young superhero sisters – Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. Created by Professor Utonium, the girls possess superpowers including flight, super strength, and laser vision, which they use to defend their hometown of Townsville from a variety of villains and threats. Now, 2024 3 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver PowerPuff Girls 25th Anniversary Coins are available online at JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Coin arrives in a PowerPuff Girls-themed box with a Certificate of Authenticity included!
- Proof, colorized specimens!
- Celebrates the 25th anniversary of the series!
- Limited mintage of only 500 coins!
- Contains 3 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Issued a face value of $5 (NZD) by Niue.
- His Majesty King Charles III on the obverse.
- Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup feature on the reverse with an anniversary logo.
In the obverse design of the 2024 3 oz Proof Colorized Silver PowerPuff Girls 25th Anniversary Coin, you’ll find a portrait of His Majesty King Charles III. This left-profile relief shows Charles III without a crown on his head. This is the first-generation effigy to feature on coins for South Pacific nations such as Niue.
For the reverse side of 2024 Proof Colorized Niue PowerPuff Girls 25th Anniversary Coins, the mint features a unique oil-colorized design. Here, you can see Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup along the top of the shaped coin with bright, rainbow colors throughout and a 25th-anniversary logo beneath.
The show was known for its quirky humor, empowering messages about female heroism, and imaginative depictions of the girls’ adventures. Over the course of its original run, The Powerpuff Girls developed a devoted fan base and is considered a seminal Cartoon Network series that helped define the network’s brand in the late 90s and early 2000s.
These 2024 3 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver PowerPuff Girls 25th Anniversary Coins are available with individual displays. Each coin comes with a PowerPuff Girls-themed box that includes a Certificate of Authenticity.
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