X-Men Comics #1, published by Marvel Comics in September 1963, marked the debut of the X-Men team and introduced the concept of mutants to the Marvel Universe. Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Jack Kirby, this groundbreaking issue introduced readers to Professor Charles Xavier and his first class of mutant students: Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Iceman, and Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) Now, 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver COMIX X-Men Comics #1 Coins are available online from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Coin arrives in a Marvel-themed box with a Certificate of Authenticity included!
- Replicates the cover art from X-Men Comics #1!
- Colorized reverse design!
- Limited mintage of only 1,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Issued a face value of $2 (NZD) by Niue.
- Public Seal of Niue on the obverse.
- X-Men Comics #1 cover art on the reverse.
In the obverse design of 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Silver COMIX X-Men Comics #1 Coins, you will find the Public Seal of Niue. A symbol of the Niuean government, the Public Seal of Niue features a circular emblem with native flora at the center and a ring of seashells around it. The seal is topped by a sovereign crown.
For the reverse side of 2024 Proof Colorized Niue Silver COMIX X-Men Comics #1 Coins, you’ll find the cover art from the original comic. The cover art of X-Men Comics #1, created by Jack Kirby and Paul Reinman, is an iconic piece of comic book history. It features the original five X-Men in their blue and yellow uniforms, dramatically posed in action against a vibrant yellow background. Magneto looms large in the upper left corner, his cape billowing and hand outstretched, emphasizing his role as the primary antagonist.
The inaugural issue also introduced the X-Men’s first villain, Magneto, who would become one of the most complex and enduring antagonists in comic book history. The story revolves around Magneto’s attempt to take control of a military base, setting up the ideological conflict between his militant mutant supremacy and Xavier’s dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans.
These 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver COMIX X-Men Comics #1 Coins come with a Marvel-themed presentation box that features a viewing window. The coins come with a Certificate of Authenticity and full colorization throughout the reverse field of the coin.
JM Bullion customer service can help you buy silver online at 800-276-6508. Alternatively, you can chat with us online or email us directly.