Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, released in 1991, is a beloved animated film that reimagines the classic fairy tale. The movie tells the story of Belle, a young woman living in a provincial French village, and her encounter with a cursed prince transformed into a fearsome beast. Through their journey, the film explores themes of love, acceptance, and the power of looking beyond appearances. Right now, 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver Belle Coins are available from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Arrives in a jewelry box display with a mirrored, secret drawer, and a themed shipper!
- Certificate of Authenticity included!
- Colorized proof!
- Limited mintage of only 2,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Bears a face value of $2 (NZD) backed by the government of Niue.
- The obverse features King Charles III.
- On the reverse is colorized artwork depicting Belle.
Each 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver Belle Coin comes with a beautiful collectible jewelry box. The coin is housed inside the box, which features a mirror on the underside of the lid and a secret compartment for special treasures. The box arrives in a themed shipper and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
Beauty and the Beast’s impact extends beyond its narrative. The film’s animation, particularly in scenes like the iconic ballroom dance, set new standards for the medium. Its music, including songs like “Belle” and “Be Our Guest,” has become deeply ingrained in popular culture. The movie’s success paved the way for a Broadway adaptation and a live-action remake, cementing its place as a timeless classic in the Disney canon.
The obverse of the 2024 Proof Colorized Niue Silver Belle Coin comes with a portrait of King Charles III. His Majesty’s first-generation portrait for Niuean coins was designed by Jody Clark. It offers a left-profile effigy of His Majesty without a crown on his head.
On the reverse of 2024 1 oz Proof Colorized Silver Belle Coins is an artistic rendering of Belle, with the prince’s castle in the background. Belle stands out as one of Disney’s most progressive and well-developed princesses. She is portrayed as an intelligent, independent, and adventurous young woman who loves reading and longs for a life beyond her small town.
If you have any questions about 1 oz silver coins, please feel free to ask. JM Bullion customer service is available at 800-276-6508, online using our web chat, and via our email address.