The Star Trek universe, created by Gene Roddenberry, is a vast and intricate science fiction setting that has captivated audiences for decades. Set primarily in the Milky Way galaxy during the 22nd through 24th centuries, it depicts a future where humanity has overcome many of its internal conflicts and has joined a galactic community of diverse alien species. Today, 2024 1 oz Niue Silver Star Trek Starfleet Divisions Coins are available at JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Comes with a Star Trek-themed box and a Certificate of Authenticity!
- 1st coin in a new Star Trek Starfleet Divisions Series!
- Gilded, shaped silver coin!
- Limited mintage of only 2,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- The face value of $2 (NZD) is fully backed by the Niuean government.
- On the obverse is the Public Seal of Niue.
- The reverse features the Command insignia from Starfleet Divisions.
Starfleet, the space exploration and defense organization of the United Federation of Planets, is divided into several distinct divisions, each identified by a specific color. The Command Division, represented by gold (or red in some series), oversees leadership and command roles on starships and starbases.
All 2024 1 oz Niue Silver Star Trek Starfleet Divisions Coins are available as shaped silver blanks with a thin layer of 24-karat gold applied. The coin is housed in a Star Trek-themed box with a viewing window that includes a Certificate of Authenticity.
On the obverse of the 2024 Niue Silver Star Trek Starfleet Divisions Coin, you’ll find the Public Seal of Niue. An emblem representative of the government, the circular seal features native flora at the center with a ring of seashells around it. The seal is topped by a sovereign crown.
The reverse of 2024 1 oz Silver Star Trek Starfleet Divisions Coins features the insignia for the Command Division. The Star Trek Command insignia, also known as the Starfleet delta or combadge, is one of the most recognizable symbols in science fiction. In its most iconic form, it consists of a stylized arrowhead or delta shape, often with an elongated oval inside. This design evolved from the original series’ ship’s assignment patch for the USS Enterprise, which later became the symbol for all of Starfleet.
Please contact JM Bullion if you have any questions about 1 oz silver coins. You can call us at 800-276-6508, chat with us online, or email us directly.