One Hundred and One Dalmatians was the 17th animated feature film classic from Disney, released in 1061. The Dalmatians Pongo and Perdita produced a litter of fifteen adorable puppies who became the focus of an obsession by the villainous Cruella de Vil, who kidnapped them in a quest to make them into a fur coat. The puppies’ adventures as they met a host of follow captives and staged their escape made for one of the most beloved Disney films of all time. The New Zealand Mint celebrates the oasis of happiness experienced by the puppies before their adventure begins, showing them gathered as a family with their parents in brilliantly colorized detail on the 2022 1 oz Proof Colorized Niue Silver Disney 101 Dalmatians Family Coin, now available from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Ships in a themed box inside an acrylic capsule!
- Issued in 2022, part of the New Zealand Mint’s Disney collection!
- Limited mintage of just 2,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity that specifies its unique number in the mintage.
- Face value of $2 (NZD) as legal tender of Niue.
- Obverse side features an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II.
- Reverse side features colorized artwork of Pongo and Perdita with their puppies.
101 Dalmatians was a hit with critics and audiences when it was released, hailed as Disney’s best effort since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and has a positive reputation to this day. Beloved for its quiet charm and subtlety, it has continued to find favor with new generations, making it a perfect choice for the New Zealand Mint’s Disney series.
The 2022 Proof Colorized Niue Silver Disney 101 Dalmatians Family Coin features beautiful colorized artwork with touches of frosted engraving that accentuate the mirrored proof-like finish of its silver. It ships in a themed box, secured in an acrylic capsule with a Certificate of Authenticity included.
The coin’s reverse side features a domestic scene of Pongo, Perdita, and their puppies in front of a fireplace, with touches of engraved and partially-frosted detail in the background.
The obverse side features the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of the late Queen Elizabeth II, confirming the coin as legal tender. It’s accompanied by the inscriptions “ELIZABETH II,” “NIUE,” “TWO DOLLARS,” and “2022.”
The team at JM Bullion is happy to provide more information about 1 oz silver coins. Phone us at 800-276-6508, chat with an agent live online, or send an inquiry by e-mail.