Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the leading characters in the Star Wars universe. In the original trilogy of films, he was brilliantly portrayed by Alec Guinness, but only appeared in the first film of the trilogy. The prequel trilogy of the late 20th and early 21st centuries showcased a young Obi-Wan Kenobi as portrayed by actor Ewan McGregor. Now, 2022 1 oz Niue Silver Chibi Obi-Wan Shaped Coins are available to you for purchase online from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Coins arrive in custom-molded cases with presentation boxes and a Certificate of Authenticity!
- Star Wars Chibi design!
- Colorized, shaped silver coins!
- Limited mintage of only 2,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Issued a face value of $2 (NZD) by Niue.
- Obverse features Queen Elizabeth II.
- Reverse depicts Obi-Wan Kenobi.
As viewers are first introduced to the characters in Star Wars during the original trilogy, they meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. At the time known only as Ben Kenobi, viewers come to learn that in his youth, Ben Kenobi was a Jedi Master who had trained Darth Vader in the ways of the Force decades earlier.
In the prequel trilogy, we get a much closer look at Obi-Wan’s own growth as a Jedi. This collection of films follows Obi-Wan’s growth as a Padawan himself, through his time with Anakin Skywalker, later Darth Vader, as his Padawan.
Obverse designs on these 2022 1 oz Silver Chibi Obi-Wan Shaped Coins include an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II. Shown in right-profile relief, Her Majesty wears the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara. This design was created in 1998 by Ian Rank-Broadley.
Reverse visuals on 2022 Niue Silver Chibi Obi-Wan Shaped Coins include a depiction of a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi. He has orange hair and a bear, and wears the classic Jedi robes in this design. The entire depiction of Obi-Wan is colorized and his figure gives the coin its shape.
These 2022 1 oz Niue Silver Chibi Obi-Wan Shaped Coins are available to purchase with individual packaging. The coins are housed in custom-molded cases and packaged in a presentation shipper with a viewing window that allows you to see the Obi-Wan design. The box has a Certificate of Authenticity included on it, as well as a unique serial number.
JM Bullion customer service is available to assist you at 800-276-6508 when you buy 1 oz silver. We are also available to you online through our live chat and email address features.