One of the most beloved characters of Disney’s Frozen films, the intrepid princess Anna is celebrated by fans for her high spirits and optimistic nature, and her determination to be united with her sister Elsa drives her adventures. At once adorable and determined, she makes a perfect subject for the New Zealand Mint’s Chibi series of bullion collectibles, which has used the Japanese-inspired “big head” caricature style to pay tribute to some of the most iconic characters in the universe of animated Disney features and in many other entertainment brands and franchises besides. Featuring bright colorization and a charming shaped design, the officially licensed 2022 1 oz Niue Silver Chibi Disney Anna Coin is now available for online purchase from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Comes in an officially branded display case, secured inside a protective acrylic capsule!
- Issued in 2022 as part of the New Zealand Mint’s Chibi Disney collection!
- Limited mintage of 2,000 coins!
- Struck in 1 Troy oz of .999 Fine Silver.
- Face value of $2 (NZD) as legal tender of Niue Island.
- Includes a Certificate of Authenticity.
- The obverse side features an effigy of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
- The reverse side is a shaped Chibi sculpture of Anna from Disney’s Frozen franchise.
In the course of her adventures in Disney’s Frozen franchise, Anna starts out as the fantasy kingdom’s younger princess and is eventually crowned the realm’s Queen. Together with her sister Elsa, from whom she was separated by the combination of a childhood tragedy and over-protective parents, she battled various curses and magical mishaps that afflicted the land, starting with Elsa’s initially-uncontrollable winter magic that gave the series its name. Fearless and always hopeful for the future no matter how adverse the situation, she was instantly popular with fans.
The 2022 Niue Silver Chibi Disney Anna Coin is colorized and shaped in the distinctive Japanese “big head” style of caricature that brings a playful dynamic to any character. Shipping in an officially licensed case with a large display window, it’s protected in an acrylic capsule and includes a Certificate of Authenticity that specifies each coin’s unique number in the limited mintage.
The coin’s obverse side features a profile effigy of the late Queen Elizabeth II to confirm it as legal tender of Niue Island. This is accompanied by the inscriptions “ELIZABETH II,” “NIUE,” “2022” and “2 DOLLARS,” along with the Disney copyright and the inscription “1 oz 999 Fine Silver” below.
The reverse side features Anna from Disney’s Frozen films and franchise in her coronation gown, wearing her signature hairstyle and upbeat expression. The sculpture is fully colored and shaped.
Contact the team at JM Bullion today to learn more about silver for sale. Call us at 800-276-6508, talk to an agent at our convenient online live chat, or simply send us an e-mail.