The Simpsons, the iconic animated sitcom that became the longest-running primetime show on television in 2018, is the comedic touchstone of a generation. Known for its arch satire, its canny use of pop culture references, and for creating some of the most instantly-recognizable characters in any show, the show wrapped sharp-edged humor around a surprisingly hopeful and heartfelt core. A great example of this is one of its most prominent recurring characters, Krusty the Clown, the cynical and burnt-out host of the Krusty the Clown show, around whom so many classic episodes revolved. He’s celebrated by the Pert Mint with the 2022 1 oz Colorized Tuvalu The Simpsons Krusty Proof Silver Coin, now available from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Ships with a Certificate of Authenticity, housed in a Simpsons-themed box!
- Issued in 2022 and struck by the Perth Mint!
- Limited mintage of 5,000 pieces!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Face value of $1 (TVD), legal tender of Tuvalu.
- The obverse side features an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II.
- The reverse side features a colorized portrait of Krusty, Sideshow Mel, and Homer Simpson.
The Krusty the Clown show in The Simpsons is filmed at “Krustylu Studios” — a nod to the famous Desilu Studios where another great sitcom, “I Love Lucy,” was filmed — featuring Krusty himself and his long-suffering sidekick, Sideshow Mel, and periodically guest-starring the violent cat and mouse duo of “Itchy” and “Scratchy” in a cartoon-within-a-cartoon. All of these elements turn up on this gorgeous pure silver collectible along with Homer Simpson, the comically hapless patriarch of the eponymous family whose misadventures often bring them together with Krusty.
The 2022 Colorized Tuvalu The Simpsons Krusty Proof Silver Coin features vividly colored artwork and the mirror-like backgrounds of a true proof-quality coin. It ships in an officially-themed box along with a Certificate of Authenticity, and since the exclusive limited mintage is sure to be in demand with fans and collectors, we recommend ordering early.
The coin’s obverse side features the classic Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of the late monarch Queen Elizabeth II, certifying it as legal tender. Around it are the inscriptions “QUEEN ELIZABETH II,” “1 oz Ag 999,” “2022,” and “TUVALU.”
The reverse side features a colorized image of Krusty the Clown, Homer Simpson, and Sideshow Mel crammed into a miniature clown car. Krustylu Studios and an Itchy & Scratchy poster appear in the background.
For more information about silver for sale, contact JM Bullion today. You can call us at 800-276-6508, send us an e-mail, or talk with us at our online live chat.