The new hit Star Wars show The Bad Batch features the adventures of Clone Force 99, a group of renegade clone commandos with unique abilities. The first of these futuristic soldiers to be celebrated in the limited-edition coin series dedicated to the show by the New Zealand Mint is their leader, Hunter. The 2022 1 oz Colorized Niue Silver Star Wars The Bad Batch Hunter Coin offers a beautifully colorized tribute to this strong and stoic character.
Coin Highlights:
- Ships in Star Wars-branded box packaging!
- Issued in 2022 by the N.Z. Mint!
- Limited mintage of just 3,000 coins!
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 Pure Silver.
- Face value of $2 (NZD), legal tender of Niue.
- Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
- Obverse features an official effigy of Queen Elizabeth II.
- Reverse features a colorized portrait of Hunter from The Bad Batch.
Before the rise of the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe, millions of clone troopers fought alongside the virtuous Jedi Knights against terrifying robot armies. As that war came to an end and the coup that would create the Empire began, these clones were ordered to turn on and slay their former Jedi allies with the command “Order 66.” However, one group of “faulty” clones was able to disobey the treacherous order and turn against evil: Clone Force 99, the “Bad Batch.”
The 2022 Colorized Niue Silver Star Wars The Bad Batch Hunter Coin — Shipped in secure, Star Wars-branded box packaging — is the first issue in a series of limited-edition Bad Batch bullion collectibles. Featuring vivid high-relief artwork and gorgeous mirrored backgrounds, each coin comes with a Certificate of Authenticity to identify its unique number in the mintage, and the team at JM Bullion fully insures your shipment.
A legal tender effigy of Queen Elizabeth II appears on the coin’s obverse side. Her portrait is accompanied by inscriptions of hers and the issuing country’s names, the issuing year, and the face value.
Hunter from the Bad Batch appears in colorized artwork on the coin’s reverse, carrying his trusty Vibro-blade and contrasting beautifully with the mirrored backdrop. The design is rounded out with flanking images of his helmet, the inscriptions “The Bad Batch” and “Clone Force 99,” verification of the coin’s silver content and the copyright and trademark of Lucasfilm.
Contact us today if you need more information about silver coins for sale, or about any of JM Bullion’s listings. You can phone us at 800-=276-6508, reach out to our online live chat or send questions to our e-mail address.