One of the most popular series of medals produced by KOMSCO is the Chiwoo Cheonwang collection. Starting in 2016, the mint has released a new Chiwoo medal each year. With low mintages and fresh designs each year, it has become an immensely popular series for collectors and investors alike. Right now, 2021 10 oz Antique South Korean Silver Chiwoo Cheonwang Medals are available to you online from JM Bullion.
Medal Highlights:
- Available to you in a plastic capsule!
- 6th coin in the Chiwoo Cheonwang series!
- Limited mintage of just 100 medals!
- Consists of 10 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- A Doggaebi is shown on the obverse field.
- Chiwoo Cheonwang beating a war drum features in the reverse design.
- Antique visuals.
Each 2021 South Korean Chiwoo Cheonwang Medal consists of 10 Troy oz of .999 pure silver. These particular medals have also received a stunning antique finish, which gives them a beautiful, vintage aesthetic. JM Bullion fully ensures your shipment and delivers these medals in protective packaging.
The obverse of 2021 10 oz Antique Silver Chiwoo Cheonwang Medal depicts a Doggaebi. This creature, which has been likened to the hobgoblin in Western culture, is presented here with horns and an impressive grin. First appearing in the tale Lady Dohwa and Bachelor Bihyeong, this mythical beast has been depicted since then as both a friend and foe to the people of Korea. Inscriptions read 2021 Fine Silver .999 Republic of Korea, KOMSCO, 10 Clay. Clay is KOMSCO’s description for a Troy ounce.
On the reverse field of 2021 Antique South Korean Silver Chiwoo Cheonwang Medals is an image of Chiwoo beating a war drum. The God of War is shown decked out in full armor, and behind him we see members of Zi:Sin gathering to join the fight. Along the top edge of the medal are the words Chiwoo Cheonwang.
The Chiwoo series, now in its 6th year of release, follows a linear progression that fans of the collection will be familiar with. Each medal depicts episodes of Chiwoo as he prepares for war, fights the war, and emerges from it victorious. After this progression concluded in 2020, the 2021 Chiwoo begins the cycle once again. Such is the life of the God of War, who never stops serving his people in times of need.
Please contact JM Bullion if you have any questions about these silver medals. Our team is available at 800-276-6508, online using our live chat, and via our email address.