For the Christian bible, the story of Adam and Eve is at the heart of God’s creation of the Earth. God is said to have created all of mankind in his image, and though the Hebrew bible makes no specific mention of an individual man and woman, Christians know of the tale of Adam and Eve, and their banishment from the Garden of Eden. The 2016 2 oz Adam and Eve Silver Biblical Coin Series is now available to you online from JM Bullion.
Coin Highlights:
- Arrives in a Bible replica box with numbered Certificate of Authenticity.
- 9th overall design release in the Biblical Series and 3rd coin of 2016!
- Limited mintage of only 1,499 coins!
- Contains 2 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
- Issued a face value of 2 Dollars by Niue.
- Obverse includes Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait.
- Reverse depicts the moment Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden.
- Rimless blanks with high-relief coining!
In Genesis 3:22-24, we hear of the moment when Adam and Eve are cast out of the beautiful Garden of Eden and into the desolate world beyond. God is said to have created all of mankind in his image, but in the Christian bible these two individuals are given a name. Adam was his first creation, a man in his image.
God saw the need for Adam to have a partner in this world, creating from his rib bone a female companion to live and socialize with: Eve. This story is known as creationism, explaining how God populated the Earth with people made in his image through the propagation of the bloodline of Adam and Eve.
On the reverse of the 2016 2 oz Adam and Eve Silver Biblical Coin you’ll find the moment when the so-called original sin took place and came to fruition. God gave Adam and Eve one directive, to avoid fruit from the forbidden tree. Satan, disguised as a snake, convinced Eve to take a fruit and share it with Adam.
The design on this reverse captures that moment when the heavens open up and an angel appears to cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and into the unknown world outside. The angel wields a long sword and cracks of lightning can be seen streaking across the sky as Adam and Eve depart.
The obverse of all the 2016 2 oz Adam and Eve coins features an older right-profile portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty appears on the obverse of all commonwealth coinage, and this third-generation depiction was on the coins from 1984 until 1997, having been replaced in 1998 by Ian Rank-Broadley’s design. This image comes from Raphael Maklouf.
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